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Code of the Clan

1. Defend the clan, and all within it with your life

2. Prey is killed to be eaten, if you waste prey you will go a day without food

3. Kits are not to leave camp under any circumstances, if they are caught outside of camp they will push their apprentice ceremony back a quarter moon each time

4. Medicine Cats go to Mossy Peaks to speak to Starclan, anything exchanged here must not be shared unless it is of importance and only then is the Leader the only one to be told.

5. If a medicine cat wishes to have a mate and kids especially a female medicine cat there must be a second medicine cat fully trained. 

6. Apprentices and kits under no circumstances are to be bearing kits, this is both wrong and cruel because someone will rob them of their youth, any female under the age of 12 moons caught bearing kits will have to tell the leader the father of the kits and the father will be exiled.

7. Any female Warriors suspected of carrying a Male kit/apprentices kits will be sent to the Elders den after their kits are weaned and will not be allowed to hunt, patrol, join in feasts or attend clan meetings,they will be confined to the elders den with a guard at all times.

8. Kits, Elders, and pregnant/nursing Queens are to be fed before anyone else.

9. There are no restrictions on mates and discrimination will not be tolerated. If two toms or two faes wish to be mates they are to be treated equally as a mating between tom and fae.

10. No one is to neglect any cat in pain or danger, especially kits.

11. You are not being forced to stay in the clan, if you feel inclined to leave let the Leader know so a ceremony can be held.

12. Each night under the yellow Sun-Moon (Harvest Moon) the clan will hold a feast, this feast is to honor the ones who died, and thank Starclan for the blessings they have sent

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